Wednesday, October 07, 2015

My Sweet, Kind and Talented Friends

I have the sweetest, kindest and most talented friends! Every month, without fail, many of them contribute crocheted and knitted chemo-caps for my cousin's clinic. We have been contributing as a group since January 2013.

My cousin, Nurse Audra, works at the University of San Francisco Center for Reproductive Health. Audra's group harvests eggs for women of childbearing age and freezes them so that they can have biological children post chemotherapy (chemo kills their fertility because it kills the eggs). Audra’s patients absolutely LOVE receiving the hats and always get very emotional at the kindness of strangers. 

This is the first hat patients receive before losing all of their hair due to the chemotherapy treatments. Audra has a small supply of soft chemo hats that she likes to give to her patients receiving chemo, about 1-2 ladies a week, but her supply is limited.

On an ongoing basis, I have been collecting chemo hats and sending them to Audra and her co-worker, Eve. If you’d like to make a hat for this worthy cause, here are a few pattern suggestions. The yarn should be as soft and comfortable as possible. Please include washing instructions.

Thank you sooooo much for all of the hats you have contributed these past two and a-half years. Each and every hat makes a difference!
Above are only a few of the hats we've contributed over the years. Thanks to my friends in the West Hollywood Stitch 'n Bitch, The El Segundo Slipt Stitches and Fairview Knitters for your generousity!

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