Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Noise Music

On Saturday Larry and I attended an event for "The Benders Circuit," an upcoming documentary about the underground audio-visual performance scene in Los Angeles. Phew! That's a mouthful. We knew a bit of what to expect at this performance. Our friend, Jeff Boynton was one of the featured artists and we'd been to one of his previous performances at Future Studio. 
A well-attended event. We ran into Mona and Tina!

This event was held fairly close to our house at the Muzeumm on Adams Blvd., an art gallery since 2009.  A series of rooms were set up with electronic equipment, circuit bent toys and devices, along with prints and paintings. In the back yard there were video displays, lights and refreshments.
The Teletubby becomes bent

Ellen at Jeff's Acrylic Circuit Installation

We recognized Jeff's set up in a corner because of the acrylic circuit board and his cello. Yes, a cello! In this atmosphere of noise, Jeff is one of the few artists utilizing a standard instrument. It was refreshing to have this musical element inserted into the performance. Yeah, I'm old. I appreciate musicality and the rich tones of the cello in this cacophonous atmosphere.
Artist, Musician Jeff Boynton
There are quite a few artist's studios on this stretch of Adams Blvd. There are also legendary watering holes like The Cork! Parking was not easy.

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